Entregas Gratuitas a partir de 99Eur

Evans G1 Clear 10"
22,90 € 22,90 € 22.900000000000002 EUR
Pele Timbalão. Evans™ G1™ series features a single ply of 10mil film blending a bright tone, sustain and sensitivity. The head sets the standard for an open and expressive sound. Tuned low, it produces a cavernous rumble that emphasizes the natural sound of the shell.
Evans S14H30
21,70 € 21,70 € 21.7 EUR
Pele Tarola.
Evans RF12D RealFeel
48,00 € 48,00 € 48.0 EUR
Pad Estudo. The Evans RealFeel 12" 2-sided practice pads feature a gum rubber and a recycled rubber side.
Evans SOBASS SoundOff Bass Mute
62,00 € 62,00 € 62.0 EUR
Abafador Bateria.
Evans SO12 SoundOff Tom 12"
12,90 € 12,90 € 12.9 EUR
Abafador Bateria Evans SO12 SoundOff Tom 12".
Evans B14 Genera HD Coated Snare
26,00 € 26,00 € 26.0 EUR
Pele Tarola. Evans™ Genera™ HD™ Snare heads feature two plies of film.
Evans S13H30 Clear 300 Snare Side
16,30 € 16,30 € 16.3 EUR
Pele Tarola. Evans™ snare side clear 300 heads are the best selling series of Evans™ snare side heads and feature a single ply of 3mil film.
Evans EQ PATCH Clear Plastic Double Patch
9,90 € 9,90 € 9.9 EUR
2 pads para pele do bombo Evans EQPC2. Versão em plástico transparente para pedais duplos. Antiderrapante. Incrementa o ataque e fortalece a pele sem interferir a qualidade do som. Imagem ilustrativa, não inclui batente de pedal de bombo.
Evans RF12G RealFeel
43,90 € 43,90 € 43.9 EUR
Pad Estudo.
Evans G1 Coated 13"
25,00 € 25,00 € 25.0 EUR
Pele Timbalão. Evans™ G1™ snare heads feature a single ply of 10mil film blending a bright tone, sustain and sensitivity. The G1 sets the standard for an open and expressive sound.
Evans 22" EMAD2 Clear Bass Drum
66,00 € 66,00 € 66.0 EUR
Pele Bombo.
Evans B08G2
15,80 € 15,80 € 15.8 EUR
Pele Timbalão.
Evans G1 Coated 16"
22,20 € 22,20 € 22.2 EUR
Pele Timbalão. Evans™ G1™ series features a single ply of 10mil film with a bright sustain and broad tuning range. The G1 is a standard for tom reso heads, offering full sustain and a balanced tone. The coating provides aditional warmth of tone.
Evans SO20RIDE
29,00 € 29,00 € 29.0 EUR
Abafador Pratos.
Evans SO10 SoundOff Tom 10"
11,20 € 11,20 € 11.200000000000001 EUR
Abafador Bateria.
Evans Power Center Reverse Dot 13"
24,00 € 24,00 € 24.0 EUR
Pele Tarola.
Evans ARF-7GM Realfeel Apprentice Pad
28,50 € 28,50 € 28.5 EUR
Pad de estudo com 7" EVANS RealFeel Apprentice. Borracha num lado. Portabilidade. Rosca de 8mm na parte inferior para aplicação em suporte de prato ou Evans ARFSTD (não incluídos). Fabricado nos EUA.
Evans B14UV2
25,30 € 25,30 € 25.3 EUR
Pele Tarola. As peles UV2 têm duas camadas de filme com 7mil folhas cada uma.
Evans G1 Coated 12"
20,50 € 20,50 € 20.5 EUR
Pele Timbalão. Evans™ G1™ snare heads feature a single ply of 10mil film blending a bright tone, sustain and sensitivity. The G1 sets the standard for an open and expressive sound.
Evans B14DRY Genera Dry
24,50 € 24,50 € 24.5 EUR
Pele Tarola. Evans™ Genera™ Dry snare heads feature a single ply of 10mil film in combination with a 2mil overtone control ring on the underside that "floats" with the head, eliminating excessive overtones and controlling sustain.
Evans G1 Clear 8"
18,50 € 18,50 € 18.5 EUR
Pele Timbalão. Evans™ G1™ series features a single ply of 10mil film blending a bright tone, sustain and sensitivity. The head sets the standard for an open and expressive sound. Tuned low, it produces a cavernous rumble that emphasizes the natural sound of the shell.

Todos os preços apresentados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor para Portugal: taxa de 13% em instrumentos musicais e taxa de 23% nos restantes produtos