Hughes Kettner TubeMeister Deluxe 40


855,00 €

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Hughes Kettner TubeMeister Deluxe 40

(0 avaliações)

Cabeça Guitarra Eléctrica. Where TubeMeister is stunning, TubeMeister Deluxe is simply jaw dropping. Deluxe tones take you from pure, pristine cleans to an authentic brown sound and devastatingly powerful modern-day high gain, all influenced by the most beloved channels of our flagship TriAmp Mark 3.

855,00 € 855.0 EUR 855,00 €

855,00 €

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Categoria de produto do site :
Cabeças Guitarra
Nome :
Hughes Kettner TubeMeister Deluxe 40
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Todos os preços apresentados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor para Portugal: taxa de 13% em instrumentos musicais e taxa de 23% nos restantes produtos