Entregas Gratuitas a partir de 99Eur

Fender FA-115 Dreadnought V2 Natural
132,00 € 132,00 € 132.0 EUR
Guitarra Acústica. The new FA-115 offers great Fender sound and tremendous value to anyone looking to get their musical journey started on the right foot. This pack includes a rich-sounding FA-115 dreadnought acoustic guitar, along with a gig bag, picks, a strap, a spare pack of strings and a free 90-day subscription to Fender Play with access to hundreds of online lessons - everything you need to start playing instantly.
Ibanez V50NJP-NT Jam Pack Natural
130,00 € 130,00 € 130.0 EUR
Conjunto de iniciação à Guitarra Acústica Ibanez Jam Pack V50NJP-NT Jam Pack Natural com afinador cromático, correia, palhetas e saco. Acabamento Natural Brilhante.

Todos os preços apresentados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor para Portugal: taxa de 13% em instrumentos musicais e taxa de 23% nos restantes produtos