Entregas Gratuitas a partir de 99Eur

Tama HP9S
35,00 € 35,00 € 35.0 EUR
Acessório Pedal Bombo. Speedo Ring w/ Quick Hook - For Tama Iron Cobra pedals
Pearl P-3000D Demon Drive
420,00 € 420,00 € 420.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo.
Tama HP910LN Speedcobra Single
254,00 € 254,00 € 254.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo. Unprecedented Velocity. Serious Power. Minimum Work - Carrying case included Designed to fuel speedy footwork, TAMA's precision-engineered Speed Cobra pedal now enters a new era. The credo under which it was first forged: "Extreme Velocity. Serious Power," has been honed to add yet another playing characteristic to its already daunting personality - Unprecedented Velocity, delivered with minimum work.
Tama HP600D
134,00 € 134,00 € 134.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo.
Tama Iron Cobra HP200P Single
87,00 € 87,00 € 87.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo.
Pearl P-930
109,00 € 109,00 € 109.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo.
Tama HPDS1 Dyna-Sync Single Pedal
278,00 € 278,00 € 278.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo simples. Transmissão directa com diversos ajuste na transmissão e ângulo. Batente em feltro. Inclui estojo.
Ashton BDP400
59,00 € 59,00 € 59.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo.
Tama HP310L Speed Cobra Single
118,00 € 118,00 € 118.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo. Long Footboard
DW 9000PB
498,00 € 498,00 € 498.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo.
Pearl PS-85 Pedal Stabilizer
32,50 € 32,50 € 32.5 EUR
Acessório Pedal Bombo.
Pearl P2050C Eliminator
266,00 € 266,00 € 266.0 EUR
Pedal Bombo. Redline chain - The world’s only pedal featuring the patented Interchangeable Cam System

Todos os preços apresentados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor para Portugal: taxa de 13% em instrumentos musicais e taxa de 23% nos restantes produtos