Alesis ProTrack - Stock B


49,00 €

 Entregas Gratuitas a partir de 99Eur

Alesis ProTrack - Stock B

Gravador Digital Portátil. Artigo Descontinuado - "iProRecorder™ for iPod Touch (shown here) is compatible with ProTrack and may be purchased from the iTunes app store. Visit for more info. ProTrack records to iPod Classic 7th and 6th generation, 5th-generation iPod, 3rd and 2nd-generation iPod nano, 2nd-generation iPod Touch, and iPod nano-chromatic. Sleds are not included for nano-chromatic and nano 2G. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPod not included. iProRecorder™ is a trademark of BIAS, Inc.

49,00 € 49.0 EUR 49,00 €

49,00 €

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Categoria de produto do site :
Gravadores Digitais , iPod-iPhone-iPad
Nome :
Alesis ProTrack - Stock B
Referência Interna :

Todos os preços apresentados incluem IVA à taxa legal em vigor para Portugal: taxa de 13% em instrumentos musicais e taxa de 23% nos restantes produtos